Monday, 16 March 2015

National Health Mission Recruitment 2015 for Data Entry Operator (Clinical Implementation) Post

The National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) is an initiative undertaken by the government of India to address the health needs of underserved rural areas. Founded in April 2005 by Indian Prime Minister ManMohan Singh, the NRHM was initially tasked with addressing the health needs of 18 states that had been identified as having weak public health indicators.
Details of this posts has mentioned below:-

National Health Mission Recruitment Details: 

Name of Post: Data Entry Operator (Clinical Implementation)
No of Posts: 02
Age Limit: will be preferably less than 40 years.
Qualification: Graduate in Commerce or equivalent.
Date & Time of Interview: 25/03/2015 at 11:00 am Reg. time: 10:00am to 10:30am

How to apply at NRHM:

The candidates fulfilling the above requirements for the posts are requested to attend the walk–in-Interview on the date, time and venue stated above at “Directorate of Health Services, Panaji – Goa” along with their Resume and original copies of their certificates in proof of the Educational qualification, Birth, Residence (15 years) and Experience if any for verification and attested copies for submission. Duly attested by the Gazettes Officer/Notary/self attested stating that “The certificate is True copy of the original”. 
Candidates reporting after the end of registration time will not be allowed to attend the interview.

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