Central Railway Recruitment 2015 Detailed Information -
Name And No. of Posts -
1. Diesel Mechanic - 79
2. Electrician - 08
3. Welder (G&E) - 05
4. Machinist - 01
5. Painter (General) - 01 posts
Age Limit -
i) ITI Passed candidates should have completed 15 years of age and should
not have completed 24 years of age.
ii) The Upper age limit is relaxable by 05 years in case of SC/ST candidates
and 03 years in case of OBC candidates.
Educational Qualification - Passed 10th Minimum with 50% marks in (State/ICSE/CBSE/NIOS) Matriculation & ITI.
Selection Process - Selection for Act Apprentice would be based on merit without any written examination.
The Merit would consist of:-
i) Percentage of marks in 10th class at Board Level (State/ICSE/CBSE/NIOS) with Minimum 50% marks.(Aggregate)
ii) Weightage of 05% (Marks) for an additional ITI qualification.
Stipend Payable -
i) During 1st Year of Training: - Rs.7002/- P.M.
ii) During 2nd Year of Training: - Rs.7877/- P.M.
How To Apply - All Eligible and Interested candidates Can Download application Form through official website http://indianrailways.gov.in. After Filling The application form, candidate must send hard copy of application along with relevant testimonials (Mentioned In Detailed Advertisement) to the following Address before or on 08-10-2015.
(Diesel), Diesel Shed, Ghorpuri, Pune – 411 001” .
Important Dates -Last Date for Receiving of Application Form Is: 08-10-2015 .
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